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Rotary Sealer Model

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Automatic Rotary Sealer for sealing plastic inserts/plugs of LDPE, HDPE, PP etc. on to bottles of the same material. Bottles are fed by a Timing screw and starwheels for smooth movement at high speeds. Temperature of sealing heads are controlled for effective sealing. The machine can handle bottles of different sizes and shapes. It is an ideal machine for leakproof/pilferproof packing of Edible Oils, Petroleum products, Adhesives and a variety of products in bottles. Output upto 7500 bottles/hr.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Aluminium Foil Sealing, Automatic Capping Machine Model, Automatic Rotary Powder Filling Machine, Automatic Single Head Powder Filling Machine, Automatic Single Station Screw Capping Station Model, Band Sealer Model, Bottles Collating And Packing Machinery, Carton Overwrapping And Sealing Machine Model, Cartons Over Wrapping Machinery, Collating And Overerapping Machine Model, Collating And Packaging Machinery For Bottles, Collating Machinery For Bottles, Foil Sealing And Capping Machine Model, Over Wrapping Machinery For Cartons, Powder Dozing Machine Model, Powder Filling Machinery, Products, Rotary Sealer Model, Rotary Sealing Machine, Semiautomatic Volumetric Cup Filler, Weighmetric Filling Machine Model